Bridges, December 11, 2020


Sr. Janice Farnham’s highly anticipated history of the Religious of Jesus and Mary in the USA takes its title from the story of RJM origins in Lyon, where Claudine Thévenet rescued girls from the chaos of revolutionary France and taught them the skill that offered a means of a secure livelihood. While weaving is the metaphor for tracing this history, it is also a record of journeys, beginning with the 1877 journey of three Canadian sisters to Fall River, Massachusetts, and moving through more than a century of life and mission in the USA. The story closes with the departure in 1997 of three American RJMs to begin the Haiti Mission.

Between those two life-changing journeys are tales of the expansion from Massachusetts to other New England states; the movement to New York, Maryland, and further south; the political unrest in Mexico that brought our exiled sisters to Texas, New Mexico and California. Those who have a special interest in one or other of these missions will find a wealth of detail about the struggles and triumphs of their beginnings and ministries; those who are unfamiliar with any or all will find engaging stories of intrepid women facing daunting obstacles with determination, hope, and yes – joy!  One could apply the words that have become a mantra for today’s feminists: “She (they) persisted!”

“Sisters are my heroes, and this marvelous new book shows why.  A vivid portrait of an absolutely remarkable group of women, told with an historian’s skill and a writer’s talent for storytelling.  Janice Farnham, RJM, demonstrates tremendous flair as she delves through the history of one of the most incredible of all women’s religious orders and, in the process, brings to life centuries of pioneering spirits and generous hearts.”

We’re happy to announce that, for a limited time, copies of Weaving Hope will be available at 65% off the retail price.  To take advantage of this special offer, please use the order form that is attached here.


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