

The events of January 6 are no doubt still vividly in our hearts and minds as we look toward the coming transition in government with a mixture of apprehension and hope.  Mary, Rita, and I invite you to bring those fears and hopes to prayer on Tuesday, the 19th, the vigil of the presidential inauguration.  In every part of our province, let our Evening Prayer be a plea to our good God that January 20th will be marked by a peaceful handing over of the reins of government, and usher in an administration that will foster justice, truth, and lead us all to “a more perfect union.”

Each person and community will know how best to frame this in your setting, but we offer the words of our Holy Father as something you might want to include in this prayer for our wounded and divided country.


A Prayer to the Creator

Lord, Father of our human family, 

you created all human beings equal in dignity: 

pour forth into our hearts a spirit of communion

and inspire in us a dream of renewed encounter, 

dialogue, justice and peace. 

Move us to create healthier societies

and a more dignified world, 

a world without hunger, poverty, violence and war. 


May our hearts be open

to all the peoples and nations of the earth. 

May we recognize the goodness and beauty

that you have sown in each of us, 

and thus forge bonds of unity, common projects,

and shared dreams.  Amen.


Margaret Perron, RJM
Mary Bourdon, RJM
Rita Ricker, RJM



– prayer by Pope Francis from his recent Encyclical, Fratelli Tutti.
– flag that flew from Lincoln’s funeral train in 1865;  used with Smithsonian Institution’s permission

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