Dear Sisters,
We recently received this photo of a rocking chair, with the following message:
Attached is a photo of a rocking chair which has been in our family for a few generations. Reportedly, it was one of the many rocking chairs from “a long wooden porch” from the first RJM motherhouse in Fall River, MA.
We would love to hear from you if you recognize this as something that may have been at JMA in Fall River! The sender’s mother received it from one of her aunts.
– Sr. Anne Magner, RJM
The Archivists for Congregations of Women Religious, are sharing “unique artifacts” with their members on their Facebook page. Sr. Doris Bissonnette, RJM submitted this “unique artifact” to ACWR at the suggestion of our Archives Consultant, Dee Gallo:
Our submission this week comes from the Archives of the Religious of Jesus and Mary.
DATELINE: January 7, 1962
Annals of Religious of Jesus and Mary in Guardian Angel School, Pacoima, CA“Mrs. George Liberace and her two children, Steve and Susan, were baptized today. In the evening, Mr. Lee Liberace gave us a piano concert.”
Who would have expected that the famous Liberace would be entertaining Sisters on their convent piano. The Sisters who lived there assured me that Mrs. George (Lee’s brother) and the two children were indeed baptized in Guardian Angel Church. The convent was attached to the school proper. The parishioners were mostly of Mexican/Hispanic origin living in a somewhat tough neighborhood that had welcoming, earnest people.