ES.PE.RE PROGRAM ARRIVES IN HAITI: On May 18 we welcomed Maria de la Paz Viniegra, RJM (Mari Paz) and Haydee Barrera, RJM (Chely) to Port-au-Prince. They are from the Province of Mexico and are assigned to Havana, Cuba. They came to offer a workshop on ESPERE and to prepare a small group that could then offer it here in Haiti.
The Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation, ES.PE.RE., is a pedagogical process where participants relive a painful event in their lives, whether recent or remote, in order to overcome the pain and the feelings of resentment and revenge that limit their enjoyment of life. This process allows the individual to overcome the disagreeable memory of the past, to carry out the processes of restorative justice, and to establish covenants that guarantee the offenses will not be repeated.
Forgiveness and Reconciliation constitute one of the most important assets in the rules of social capital necessary for the progress of people in a globalized world. It prevents and avoids retaliation or the settling of scores, a principal factor in the escalation of interpersonal as well as collective violence.