Last week, from March 7 – 11, I had an opportunity to visit the Novitiate of the Americas in Mexico City and to spend time with Middia Doute, our second-year novice.
It was delightful to return to the novitiate house and to live among the community of 7 (2 first year novices, 2 second year novices, 3 professed). I enjoyed following the novices’ schedule; sitting in on their Friday evening sewing “class;” participating in a course on the Constitutions, a community gathering, and daily prayer. It was nice that Ruth Otero, RJM, provincial of Argentina-Uruguay, was also visiting their first-year novice. Given the 30 degree weather in Washington, I must admit 80 degree weather made the visit doubly delightful!
Above is the Novitiate Community. Seated are Middia Doute, NJM, Celina Segovia, RJM, and Laura Pucheta, RJM. Standing are Estela Figueroa, RJM, Marge, Giza Almiron, NJM, Ruth Otero, RJM, Carmen Sanabria, NJM, and Betty Gonzalez, NJM.