The church was filled with relatives, friends and parishioners.
From Plainville Sisters Diane Dube, and Pauline Ayotte, from NY Sisters Norene Costa and Christine Carrigg, from Swansea Sr. Antoinette Gamache, from Lincoln, RI Sisters Mary and Jackie Crepeau came to join the St. Timothy community. There would have been five more, but the pouring rain (sleet farther north) prevented them from travelling.
After the homily, Sr. Doris gave a short explanation about this celebration and what we were doing. Then Fr. Andrew Messina called the RJMs to the altar. There were 12 RJMs gathered in front of the altar at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Sr. Vivian Patenaude held the lighted bicentenary candle while we recommitted ourselves to God, the Congregation and the Church.
We renewed our vows using the earliest formula. . . hoping it is the one Claudine and her first companions used.
…Almighty and merciful God, I, your unworthy child and handmaid, filled with the desire of promoting your glory, my salvation and that of my neighbor, determined to live in the future for you alone and to depend absolutely on the guidance of your grace, in the presence of Jesus and Mary and of all the heavenly court, renew my vows of Obedience,
Poverty, and Chastity according to the Constitutions of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary. …
Our pastor, Fr. Andrew was more than happy to celebrate this liturgy for us.
The Women’s Club Social committee had arranged a ‘coffee an’ at the parish center – so beautifully decorated in blue and white with real white tablecloths and very attractive centerpieces. One of them had created a huge greeting card à la Sr. Jeannine for the parishioners to sign as they entered the church.
What more can we say except:
– Sr. Doris Bissonnette, RJM
(Photos courtesy of Rhode Island Catholic)