Laudato Si' webinar screenshot.

LAUDATO SI, yet again!

Following upon last week’s sharing from those who participated in workshops and webinars, we are offering the comments and reflections of other JPIC Committee members who took part.  It is hoped that these contributions will arouse our interest and lead us to explore the many resources that can help us to respond to the call to care for our planet.

  • Webinar      Eco-spirituality: Deepening Our Communion with Creation

Featured Speaker:  Mary Evelyn Tucker, co-founder of the Yale Forum on  Religion and Ecology

Memorable items in this engaging presentation include the concept of “Forest Bathing,” a walk in the forest that can be experienced as a walk with the Divine.  Additionally: each creature, no matter how small or seemingly irrelevant, is a member of this Holy Universe.

Worth pondering: the antidote to the “tsunami” of this “worldly materialism and consumerism” is a worldly spirituality, where life and spirit are not dissociated, but the spirit is IN and WITH all that surrounds us.  The Christian traditions of incarnational and sacramental spirituality acknowledge and celebrate this.

– Sr. Mary Bourdon, RJM


We are missing a deep sense of eco-spirituality, something Laudato Si  is calling us to. In developing this sense, we can draw on our traditions of incarnational and sacramental spirituality.  Four metaphors to help us:

  • orienting ourselves as stardust;
  • grounding our lives in systems of nature;
  • nurturing the earth and each other;
  • transforming our worldviews.

– Sr. Janice Farnham, RJM


Further Resources:


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