Better Not Bitter cover.

JPIC Committee Anti-Racism Project

Province Commitment on Anti-Racism

We, as a province, moved by the increasing evidence of division and bigotry in the USA, commit to efforts at eradicating the evil of racism in our society, Church, communities and in our personal relationships. We will do this through education, careful reflection on our use of language, recognition of our own complicity in perpetuating this injustice, and initiatives of inclusiveness that accept and welcome all.

Resources on Anti-Racism

The book cited below (“Better Not Bitter” by Yusef Salaam) is a compelling look at one person’s experience of the racism in the USA.

“The Central Park Five” were young men wrongly accused and convicted of a crime against a white woman.  This book tells the story of one of those men. There is also a Ken Burns documentary about this, as well as a feature film.  Both are excellent, and are available on streaming services.

– submitted by Sr. Janet Stolba RJM

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