Since 1983, we have had special partners linked to the congregation, the RJM Associates, known as the Family of Jesus and Mary. 1,615 members belong to the FJM forming 98 groups around the world. “The members….wish to live according to the values of the Gospel, participating in the charism of Saint Claudine Thévenet and her spirituality.”
In a variety of ways, the FJM groups share in the mission of the RJM: to make Jesus and Mary known and loved, the concern for the education of the young, a love for the poor and a fidelity to the Church.
Norene, a wife, a mother of two children, and a member of the FJM writes:
“Through the years we’ve grown in size and have become more active in carrying out St. Claudine’s mission of community, service to others and spirituality… Our group has always had a commitment to service. For many years we participated in a monthly outreach. Some projects included collecting diapers and toys for a local family shelter, donating to various disaster relief efforts, and writing letters to elected officials to stop human trafficking. For the past years we have also “adopted” families at Christmas and provided gifts for the children and parents. Although these are all worthwhile causes, the ones closest to our hearts are the RJM missions in Haiti…”
And so, for the past few years, this group has maintained a table at a monthly parish flea market to sell used items and clothing; the money raised is for the RJM mission in Haiti.
In the USA, the RJM have FJM groups in California/Juarez, Rhode Island, and New York.
Learn more about the Family of Jesus and Mary at their international website.
“Today, more and more, there is the awareness that the charism of Founders and Foundresses, which arose for the good of all, have to be placed again in the center of the Church, open to communion and to the participation of all the members of the People of God.” [CICL – 2001]