At its foundation in 1989, some 28 years ago, the RJM mission center at St. Timothy’s was designated as a community of “active retired.” Although there was no official commitment to parish service, over the years many sisters have given their time and talents to minister in the parish. That is no less true of the present community, as you can see below:
- Sr. Alice Ouimette takes part in the parish women’s club, serves morning Mass for one week each month, and regularly brings communion to home-bound parishioners, a service to which she can also bring her nursing skills. Alice also serves on the parish council.
- Sr. Jeannine Côté joins Sr. Vivian in faith formation sessions for children in grades 6 to 10, and offers craft workshops to parishioners. Shown are a few of Sr. Jeannine’s extraordinary hand-made cards.
- Sr. Doris Bissonnette participates and often gives pre-sentations at the faith discussions of a parish group, as well as co-leading RCIA sessions, lecturing, and serving as a Eucharistic Minister. Doris is planning a 6-week course in centering prayer for Lent. Here’s Sr. Doris at work in her principal ministry, our province archives.
- Sr. Vivian Patenaude works in faith formation for adults (as well as children), and takes part in a diocesan program: Ministry to the Developmentally Disabled. Here Sr. Vivian is shown with Quest Volunteer Pujan Mapchan, carrying out her ‘summer job’ of Creole tutoring for those preparing to go to Haiti.”
Reflecting on the RJM presence in St. Timothy’s, Sr. Jeannine Côté writes:
As you know, many of us are individually involved in specific areas in the parish, but we are also involved in just being part of this parish. RJM’s have lived here at St. Tim’s for many years, and parishioners have accepted us wholeheartedly as being part of this community. They fondly remember the sisters who have been here, and always inquire as to the whereabouts of those who have been missioned to other places. Many parishioners also come from St. Charles or Our Lady of Lourdes parishes, so they are happy to see JM’s here. Our convent is a center where people are welcomed, and where, from time to time, parish meetings and gatherings can be held.
Other community members are also engaged in volunteer ministries:
- Sr. Janice Farnham, in addition to making her way through province history (and writing it down for us all!), is tutoring immigrants.
- Sr. Sandra Salazar combines her full-time work as a hospital chaplain with ministry in St. Patrick’s Parish in Providence.
- Sr. Claudette Lapointe only recently, for reasons of health, had to leave her pastoral ministry at nearby St. Gregory the Great Parish.
- And last, but by no means least, Sr. Antoinette Jacques joins in her service as Group Home Manager with that of Assistant Pastor at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Mission in Exeter.