Women's March on Washington - JAN 2016

There are a good number of Americans who find the current political atmosphere to be mean-spirited, and in stark opposition to some fundamental values of our country. For RJM, many of those values also reflect the imperatives of the Gospel, as well as the recent call of our Chapter:

“We desire to live our prophetic mission:
Forgiveness, Reconciliation…;
Responding to the miseries of our world;
Living a commitment to justice, peace, ….”

These convictions moved five sisters in the DC/MD region to join with others (about 500,000!) in one of the multitude of ‘Women’s Marches’ that took place on January 21st, not only in the USA, but all over the world. We asked each of these sisters to make a brief statement on the theme, WHY I MARCHED. Given below are their responses.

I marched to send a message to President Trump that all people in our nation must be treated with dignity and with liberty and justice for ALL. Mr. Trump has no right to define America. The spirit of the march was amazing!
Mary Bourdon, RJM

I marched to counter the message coming from our elected leader, and to add my presence and voice to those advocating for the dignity and rights of all people, and our duty to care for the earth. One of the marchers held a sign that said it well: “Make America kind again!”
Rosemary Mangan, RJM

I marched to stand with and support basic American values (freedom of speech, religion, and acceptance of all) which I feel are being eroded in our current political environment.
Eileen Reid, RJM

I marched because I want to be “a presence” with other women: who value life in all aspects, who welcome immigrants, and who are a support to people at the grass roots level wanting justice for all, especially people who are characterized as living “on the margin.” Rita Ricker, RJM From the outset I felt compelled to be a part of the group whose reason for marching was to express strong opposition to everything that the current president stands for. I stand for women, children, immigrants and civil rights for all people! It was invigorating to be with a half million who stand for the same things, including our precious earth! Everyone was a living model of compassion and kindness.
Janet Stolba, RJM


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