On January 23rd, Sr. Patricia Dillon, RJM, and Sr. Jacqueline Picard, RJM, were presented the prestigious William Jefferson Clinton Goodwill for Haiti Award which “…honors an outstanding individual(s) who has done extraordinary work on behalf of, and for, the people of Haiti.”
The distinguished award was presented to them in Dublin Ireland, by Haven the leading Irish charity working on the ground in Haiti.
What kind of legacy will they leave in Haiti?
From Leslie Buckley, Haven founder and Chairman:
Their legacy will be the fact that literally thousands of children have been educated, thousands of lives have been saved through the hospital. And the amount of fantasic voluntary work that both of these nuns do in the community right around Gros Morne is incredible. It is Haven’s honor to give the nuns the William Jefferson Clinton Goodwill for Haiti Award and there are no two people better that should receive this award. They have given their lives to the people of Haiti.
View a wonderful video shown at the event, which includes a segment on the legacy of Sr. Pat and Sr. Jackie, below: