On September 15, Brittany Galvin, in the presence of members of the novitiate community, the provincial council of Spain, and members of nearby communities in Madrid, requested “…to come to learn your way of life.” Members of the USA-Haiti provincial council, her first formation community in the US, and the members of its formation team joined Brittany virtually as she began religious life in the Religious of Jesus and Mary.
The reality and experience of Brittany’s ceremony were interprovincial. The bi-lingual prayer service was simple, warm, and rich with scriptural references to God’s choice and call as well as to Brittany’s desire to respond to that invitation, to follow, and to give all. May the final words of the closing prayer be our prayer for her: “Que mi mision sea comunicar tu vida, tu misericordia, tu santidad.” [May my mission be to speak of your life, your mercy, your holiness.]