As I gave thanks to God today for my many blessings, on this day of Thanksgiving I couldn’t help but think of our country’s beginnings: Immigrants coming to a new shore in hope of a better life, freedom of religion, freedom from oppression and perhaps many other hopes as well filled their hearts.
Like you, I prayed in hope for our country and our world that we would all grow in love and compassion for one another and our earth.
This picture of Natalia, RJM, a US citizen having a dual citizenship, smiling and welcoming a new immigrant, a baby from El Salvador with open arms represents the goodness and compassion I hope for in our country. Listening to the father share his story of oppression, a long journey and his hopes makes Thanksgiving ever more real.
Here, young and older children and parents are enjoying the various art mediums that we provided. Simply enjoying the peaceful moment of this activity is often enough for them. Frequently, the autographed art is gifted to us with lots of hugs.
Yesterday and again tomorrow we will be delivering more backpacks for the migrants travelling to their new homes with their sponsors. Thanks to Sr. Margaret Castro’s relatives in Los Angeles, and her and Sr. Dina’s parish at St. Rita’s, we have more than enough backpacks to share at this time.
Please keep the migrants and the community groups working with them in your prayers as they prepare to move the shelter to a new location in the middle of December. This is their 5th move since beginning this ministry at the end of October, 2018. Thanks for all your prayers and support.