Bridges, January 26, 2018


To the left, Sr. Rosie Nicholson and Sr. Natalia Mejia model the Border Angel shirts they wear while ministering to immigrants on the border.

The pillar is in Chicano Park under the Coronado Bridge. It depicts the immigrants who have worked in our fields to harvest the food on our table, immigrants who have constructed our buildings, immigrant children who have studied in our schools and religious education programs, immigrants who have died crossing the border through the desert to provide a better life for themselves and their families. The Border Angels have been a presence in the community and along the border wall extending love and compassion – “love has no borders”.


Below is an excerpt from the next article in the Bicentenary Year series. (The complete article is attached to the email accompanying Bridges.)


By Sr. Amelia D’sa RJM (Province of Poona)

….Though I am 77 years old I still love my work with the sick and having experience severe illness myself I can feel the pain of the others in a better way. Claudine’s Pedagogy – Do as I did for Christ has touched me in every aspect of my life. Her tender loving cares to the orphans, to the wounded sick, tenderness to her family member and above all to the sister in the Congregation she herself founded. A practical experience I suggest to do family visits to the middle class especially poor families for they are open and would be easily ready to listen, share their lives and take Christ in their lives if not values of Christ and Claudine. I like to show and share the writing and videos on Claudine’s life which will be a good way of teaching.

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