

JEAN RABEL, HAITI – Kay Klodin Community

The women at the Atelier in Jean Rabel, have responded to Coronavirus by making masks, which can be washed and used for many a day.

The ladies in the Atelier have a good friend in Miami who is supportive of their work.  He suggested to them that they start making masks.

Sr. Pat Dillon sent them a few samples, and the ladies did some research themselves to learn how to make the masks.  They experimented and started receiving orders for the masks…100, 200, 1,000.  Individuals in the town come and buy what they need.

The women are working 5 days a week in groups of 10 while they observe safe distancing and take preventive measures as much as possible.

Frazina, on the right in a pink mask, teaches sewing to  children in the afternoon.  Franzina is a former member of the Atelier.

The two Managers of the Atelier can be seen on the right.  Emanie stands on the left and Veronique stands close to the window.

They are going on the radio to advertise the masks and they expect to have plenty of work in the days ahead.  The Department of Health in Port de Paix has seen and congratulated the ladies on the quality of their work.

– Sr. Rose Kelly, RJM

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