LAUDATO SI Week: May 16-24
May 24th will mark the 5th anniversary of the publication of Laudato Si, Pope Francis’ call to care for our common home.
The Holy Father is renewing that call by inviting Catholics everywhere to participate in ‘Laudato Si’ Week, May 16-24. You can find a video of his invitation, as well as resources for the week, in the attachment from LCWR. In addition, another attachment to this week’s BRIDGES offers prayers that can be used for a single service, or spaced out over the week. They were created by Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ who also worked with us on the material for the Retreat in Daily Life.
Many of us have more time in these days of social distancing. May 16-24 can be a time to look more closely at what we have received in the gift of creation, consider more deeply how to heal and cherish that gift and preserve it for future generations.
As we gather together today, May 8 from the near and far corners of our province, let us remember Sr. Clarice Dionne and Sr. Margaret Theresa Guinan with love and gratitude, and appreciation for who they were, how they lived, and how they served God’s people.
(At Thevenet House in Highland Mills, NY, Sr. Norene Costa took this picture showing their dining room table where she and Christine will gather for prayer).