JUBILEE CELEBRATION – Marillac Residence
At the Marillac Residence we celebrated our two Jubilarians – Sr. Agnes Bell RJM (left), 70th Anniversary of Profession, and Sr. Shirley Leveille RJM (right), 65th Anniversary of Profession.
Celebrating the Jubilee Mass in our Marillac Chapel, rather than from our individual rooms, was such a joy! We have just begun returning to our beautiful chapel for Mass twice a week – Wednesdays and Sundays.
Singing is still “pandemically” prohibited; however, one of our 30 Jubilarians was able to play the organ and provide us with “a-propos” music. Between the multicolor spring clothing, pastel colored corsages and the bright flower arrangements, the chapel was transformed into a festive place of worship! Vows were renewed and Mass ended with a lengthy and joyful applause.
The decor in the Dining Room was ever so special, with pink linen napkins folded in the form of a rose, and a well planned and decorated menu! The table centerpieces – crystal bowls filled with lavender and pink flowers floating on water – looked so refreshing and spring-like! On the small stage stood 30 beautiful bags waiting to receive gifts for each Jubilarian.
The preparations were many, the celebration memorable, the memories will be lasting.
– Sr. Vivian Patenaude RJM