By the end of the annual retreat from October 11 – 16, Sr. Helen Scarry, RJM had challenged her dozen or so retreatants at Marillac Residence to search deeply for that “….longing in their hearts,” – the theme of the Retreat.
In her calm, peaceful and humorous manner, Helen, who met with her Retreatants twice a day, presented the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in her own creative way – very sensitive to the age of her ‘audience’. With the use of ‘guided meditations’, the retreat journey led all to sit, walk and talk with, and listen to Jesus in a real and vibrant way.
Besides the dozen or so Sisters sitting in a circle with Helen, dozens of others throughout the residence were following her morning and afternoon talks on their televisions through the inner-house circuit. Word has it that the retreat week was a meaningful experience.
Helen left us with the DVD of Pedro Arupe and many Sisters will be viewing it together on Monday, October 21 at 4 p.m. This will bring back memories of the week of retreat with Helen – memories carved out of positive and appreciative experiences.
– Sr. Vivian Patenaude, RJM
(Picture from Ignatian Spirituality, artist unnamed.)