From September 1 through October 4, RJM communities observed the ‘Season of Creation’ by focusing on one element in the call of our JM Preferences: “…to work with passion for…the integrity of creation.”
JEAN RABEL, HAITI – Natural fibers vs plastic!
Since March, there has been a concerted effort to clean up our immediate environment, plant some trees and flowers and eliminate plastic. It is not an easy task, but all are trying.
On Monday, 28th September, the ladies in Naza’s Atelier and some of our colleagues gathered together to try out an experiment. First, the harmful effects of plastic on the soil, on fish, on animals, and on humans was discussed.
Then Supreme, with the plastic bottle in his hand, dug two holes in the ground. Tata, with the red T-shirt, explained the reason for burying plastic in one hole and natural materials in the other. The little child, Maumau, took it all in and supervised the burial.
Modena noted that in 6 months, on the 28th of March 2021, we will assemble here again and dig up the buried articles, to see which have disintegrated.
Maumau and all our children, are depending on our decisions to give them a healthy and wholesome environment for the future!
This experiment will be carried out in all our school areas, so that by seeing, people will believe! Hopefully they will spread the news, and begin to challenge the use of plastic bags by returning to their own handmade “panye“ bags.
– Sr. Rose Kelly, RJM