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On September 2nd, the 5th anniversary of the death of Sr. Isa Sola, RJM was celebrated in Barcelona, Spain, the city of her birth. The representative of her family, her brother Javier Solá, together with Miss Alejandra Ron, director of Fundacion Juntos Mejor, and Sr. Marta Guitart, RJM, Provincial Superior of Spain, organized the events.

Sr. Monica Joseph, RJM (standing) and Sr. Encarna Viarnés, RJM came from Rome to attend the memorial mass in the crypt of St. Eulalia, the young martyr, patroness of Barcelona, in its beautiful gothic Cathedral. The mass was presided over by Mgr. Gordo, Auxiliary Bishop of Barcelona. All the communities of Barcelona, Isa’s family and some friends attended the mass. Mgr. Gordo explained with great affection how Sr. Isa’s testimony was similar to the one of St. Eulalia, who like many witnesses gave their life serving those in need, and who are models for all of us. We heard the “suscipe” sung by Isa, during communion, a moment of intense prayer for Haiti’s people.

After mass, we went to Barcelona’s diocesan museum to see an exhibit of beautiful photographs of Haiti taken by Sr. Isa. Her guitar and her camera were also displayed. Opening words were given by the Bishop, followed by the city authorities, and Mey Zamora, (author of Isa’s biography and one of the organizers of the exhibit). They encouraged us to enjoy the love and beauty of the pictures, as we gathered as one family with Isa and the Haitian people in our hearts.

The exhibit is open to the general public, to promote solidarity with Haiti, and will be visited by all the students of the JM’s schools in Barcelona. We are grateful to have attended these heartful events.

– Sr. Yudith Pereira, RJM

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