I am, Middia and I am 27 years old; I was born in Haiti and I am the oldest child in a family of four children. My parents are very religious and through them I discovered God and they led me to be closer to Him by the witness of their life. The first time that I heard speak about vocation I was in the fifth grade of primary school, when the Director, a priest, asked the class: What do you want to be when you are older?… and I answered: a Nun- But for me, at that time this was just one more answer among thousand others. In growing up, it seemed that this idea disappeared from my thought.
When I finished my studies in the Primary School I began to live in the Residence of the Sisters “Filles de la Sagesse” Daughters of Wisdom in Port of Peace, in Haiti, One day a religious invited me to participate in the vocational group. She explained to me that it was not only for those who wanted to be religious, but that it was open to all. As time went on I was discovering that I was greatly attracted by their way of living, their dedication, their availability, their freedom and flexibility to go where they were needed, helping others.
But I said nothing of what touched my heart with what they did so as not to commit myself in anything which would prevent me from going out, from participating in cultural activities of my school, or to have restrictions as to what type of clothes to wear, etc… I wanted not only to profit of my adolescence but also to dedicate myself completely to my studies without any other commitment.
When I arrived to the second year of High School I continued to have some kind of interior movement, with the desire to follow Jesus. Finally I decided to speak to the priest of my Parish asking him if he knew another Congregation. For me it was important to have several options before choosing, because I wanted to know which was my place. If there is only one proposal there can be no election, much less discernment. The priest presented one of the Religious of Jesus and Mary: Vivian Patenaude. After speaking with her, I felt very happy. I understood that God, through her, wanted to tell me something very important. In May 2007 with fear, uncertainty and thinking that I was “crazy” leaving all my friends, my family, the groups of the young, I spoke with her to have an experience of community life in Port-au-Prince, Haiti) in order to be able to discern more clearly. It was very hard to go to another place but I felt that I was well understood and accompanied on the spiritual, social, psychological level. From the very first day that I arrived, I felt completely at home.
After this experience I continued my studies in the University and I lived with the Sisters as a boarder. Later I went to live alone in my apartment. It was a very beautiful experience, working, together with my boyfriend making plans for my life, but I still felt that something was lacking. I got angry with myself and said: Why so I feel something so strange within when there are so many things in the world? During this time the Sisters invited me to participate in the Family of Jesus and Mary and to all the missions that they carried out. I realized that through these activities I felt realized, finding a response to those ideas which were turning around n my head. When I went to the missions and could touch the reality of my people, in seeing so many needs I felt closer to God I realized, and could see that He speaks to me through others, through their witness of life. I could discover the marks or prints of God in what I was doing.
After much accompaniment, much prayer and listening I wrote asking to enter the Postulancy It was not easy to reach this election. I went through doubts, uncertainty, sadness; but inside my heart I felt that to follow Jesus was the best option: making his love, his mercy and his pardon known in Jesus and Mary following the footsteps of Claudine. God does not ask us for something we cannot do and when you say yes, he will be there to take care of you on the way. When you leave something to be with him, you find much more, that you cannot even imagine. A life shared with others is a life that will never finish. Today I can tell you, seek Jesus and when you find Him do not keep him for yourself. Share Him with other persons on your journey, allow yourself to be questioned by the reality of this world. Make Jesus alive in you by living each day, in a concrete way his love, living the ordinary in an extraordinary way. Jesus is the one who invites, He is the one who takes the decision and goes out to meet us. He is a free man, simple who loves us to the very end. Open your heart, listen to him today in your life and allow yourself to be taken by him.
At the end I can say that with Him and for Him you never lose time. You lose your time when you do not know where to look for Him and you close your ears to his call- Each day is unique in the following of Jesus. He is the one I want to follow, with whom I want to be. Even if I do not always walk in a rose garden, I feel very happy accompanied by my Sisters, and I continue to opt for this Jesus who loves me, who invites me to get out of self and to give myself completely to others.