BULLETIN OF THE NOVITIATE – 30 Days of Spiritual Exercises
The full text of the excerpts below, are attached to the email accompanying Bridges.
Sr. Celina Segovia Sarlat, RJM, Mistress of Novices, writes:
We finished a stage of intense experiences in the life of the Novitiate – Spiritual Exercises of 30 days and experiences in hospitals, we go back to daily life, and in the midst of it there are activities that enrich and nourish the heart and the experience of God. The Novices chose some which were significant for them: Feast of Claudine, National encounter of MEJ, camps with the High School pupils and the Jesuit Route on the following of Jesus. These are acting as a bridge to go back Home, and follow the formative process in daily life.
We also had the joy of having among us Margaret Perron, RJM, Provincial Superior of USA-Haiti, who visited Middia njm, (Novice from Haiti) and she shared the life in the Novitiate community from the 18th to the 23 of February.
With love we share with you this 5th Bulletin of the Novitiate of the Americas and we continue to recommend ourselves to your prayers.
Middia Doute, NJM, writes on the MEJ Youth Eucharistic Movement:
From the 9 to the 13 of February, I had the opportunity to participate and share with 175 young people from the MEJ in Teotihuacan. They were pupils from our Schools: Claudina, Regina, Merida and Avrelino Montes Linaje, from the Province Mexico-Cuba. Young people from Balancán, where the Religious of Jesus and Mary had a house-mission were also present. Even though the Sisters are no longer there, the Movement continues to be active and is coordinated by lay people and a religious from our Congregation is their consultant and accompanies them especially in spiritual and human formation.
As a Novice, I accompanied the group from Regina School from the city of Mexico. It was a very beautiful experience to see so many young people motivated, leaders, strong, looking for Jesus and making his love known. MEJ, the “Youth Eucharistic Movement”, is centered on the Eucharist. It is a movement which helps us to get closer to God and to others in communion. I lived this time touching my well, the deepest part of self, of my being, enjoying and, at the same time, remembering my experiences, unforgettable moments not only those lived in MEJ, but also as monitor or group leader, from my country of origin, Haiti. To re-live this stage of my life has made me feel alive, confirming more my relationship with God through who are for me, a means to get close to Him. I cannot describe the joy that I felt those days, it was something magic; I fully realized how happy I felt to share who I am with the young people.
God was present in the encounter and manifested Himself through the fraternal spirit, through sharing, in mutual support, offered by the monitors of the different Schools.
To have been in this youth environment was a great blessing. I thank God for having given me that opportunity and for everything that I have received from the young people.