JEAN RABEL NEWS – April 30, 2022
Hello to all the people who are interested in our life and mission in Jean Rabel!!!
First of all, thank you for the support and closeness we feel from many people who make yourselves present in many different ways. Although we are at the other end of the world, we feel you are here next door.
The community has expanded since the beginning of March. Laura Casallas García, a volunteer 23-year-old Colombian who just finished her studies in medicine, has joined us until July. She participates in several projects: the mobile clinic, the malnutrition project, the workshop and basketball. It is a richness to count on having one more person to share life and mission. Shown here are Laura Casallas García, Sr. Curin García Calvo, RJM, Sr. Valle Chías González-Blanch, RJM, and Sr. Rose Kelly, RJM.
At the same time as Laura, something else important arrived: a microscope that will allow us to start a microbiology laboratory very soon that will help in the diagnosis of some of the patients of the mobile clinic. We hope that in a few months the laboratory will be in operation. For this project, two laboratory technicians will be hired and they will facilitate the training. We also hope to have some volunteers from Spain who will come for a while to support such training.
We also want to share that during Holy Week, a group of 6 people came to carry out, once again, an eye exam campaign in Jean Rabel. We have counted on the presence of an optometrist (Kike), two ophthalmologists (Johni and Jorge), a technician (Albert), a nurse (Carmen) and Loli Herrero (who coordinates this whole project and who, thanks to her perseverance, it continues to be possible).
It has been intense work. They have carried out 28 operations and checked the sight of more than 300 people.
The above was excerpted from the newsletter which is attached, in its entirety along with many more photos, to the Bridges email.