Pamela Johnson, Chair of the Board of Directors, awarded the Sr. Mary Bourdon Leadership Award at the Washington School for Girls graduation ceremony, on Friday June 15th, saying:
As a co-founder of WSG and former Head of School, Sr. Mary Bourdon provided WSG with outstanding and steadfast leadership for twenty years. The Sr. Mary Bourdon Leadership Award honors a WSG graduate who best exemplifies Sr. Mary’s generosity of heart, determination, and tireless commitment to community.
This year’s recipient is a young woman who has dedicated her life to serving others through her faith and ministry. After graduating from WSG in 2010, she finished high school and enrolled at Hampton University where she received her Bachelor of Arts in political science. While at Hampton, she received Dean’s List honors and was selected for the Greer Dawson Wilson Student Leadership Program. She also served as Vice President of the Hampton University Interfaith Collegiate Fellowship and worked for the Hampton University Ministers’ Conference.
In 2015, she became the youngest minister in the history of St. Stephen Baptist Church, where she is involved in various ministries. This fall she will begin a Master of Divinity program at Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey.
It is my pleasure to present this year’s Sr. Mary Bourdon Leadership Award to Diamond Gantt.
The excerpt below is from the address of Dr. Maranda C. Ward, Visiting Assistant Professor at George Washington University:
This is my list of 4 things to follow in order for you to live your best life:
1) Don’t be nice. Be kind. What you need to be is honest and brave.
2) Expect failure. You will learn so much about yourself from it.
3) Take risks. Shoot your shot. When you miss, shoot again.
4) Expose your strengths. You do not have to shrink your individuality to be accepted.
There is power in black girl laughter
and black girl magic. Live your best life!